fairfieldu: Benozzo Gozzoli, Saint Ursula and a Donor, c. 1455, tempera on panel. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1939.1.265
fairfieldu: Unknown Lombard Artist, Madonna and Child, ca. 1475-1500, oil on panel. Fairfield University Art Museum, gift of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation via The Discovery Museum, Bridgeport, CT (2009.01.04)
fairfieldu: Circle of Andrea Mantegna (possibly Correggio), Madonna and Child, ca. 1505-10, oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1939.1.266
fairfieldu: Follower of Giovanni Bellini, Madonna and Child with Saints, ca. 1490-1500, oil on panel. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1943.4.37
fairfieldu: Pietro degli Ingannati, Madonna and Child, ca. 1520-30, oil on canvas. Fairfield University Art Museum, gift of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation via The Discovery Museum, Bridgeport, CT (2009.01.05)
fairfieldu: Bernardino Fasolo, Virgin and Child, ca. 1520, oil on panel. Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gift of Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
fairfieldu: Follower of Michelangelo, Madonna and Child with Saint John, ca. 1505, tempera on panel. Lent by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, K1569
fairfieldu: Girolamo da Santa Croce, Madonna and Child with Saint Ambrose, ca. 1549, tempera on panel. Mead Art Museum, Gift of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation
fairfieldu: Follower of Piero di Cosimo, Madonna and Child, ca. 1520, oil on panel. Lent by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, K1215
fairfieldu: Bernardino Zaganelli da Cotignola Madonna and Child with the Magdalen and St. Christina, ca. 1500, oil on panel. Lent by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, K579
fairfieldu: Veronese workshop, Saint Lucy and a Donor, ca. 1585-95, oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1961.9.48
fairfieldu: El Greco, The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, ca. 1595-1600, oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1959.9.4