nicolas.boullosa: erik rietveld talks to kirsten dirksen
nicolas.boullosa: secret operation 610: a misterious, diamond-shaped, mantis-like black experimental vehicle
nicolas.boullosa: one of the 2 massive hangar doors
nicolas.boullosa: a futuristic behemoth to bring back to use old cold war hangars
nicolas.boullosa: secret operation 610: what's the role of old unused patrimony within society?
nicolas.boullosa: *faircompanies interviews brothers brothers ronald and erik rietveld about their "secret operation 610" project
nicolas.boullosa: from one of the sides
nicolas.boullosa: high clearance, 4.5 meters tall, interior designed for meetings, diamond-shaped front, and a mantis-like allure
nicolas.boullosa: secret operation 610, as seen from the cold war hangar it now occupies
nicolas.boullosa: ronald and erik rietveld created the studio RAAAF for their projects
nicolas.boullosa: from the hangar
nicolas.boullosa: the old elements that belonged to a war operation during the cold war
nicolas.boullosa: despite the distance from central utrecht, citizens use the old base installations on their outings
nicolas.boullosa: the hangar and the "secret operation 610" vehicle
nicolas.boullosa: the massive doors open via a pneumatic system (in perfect shape)
nicolas.boullosa: as long as they use "secret operation 610" for creation and design purposes, companies and individuals can demand the use of the vehicle
nicolas.boullosa: the black mantis and its burrow: secret operation 610
nicolas.boullosa: the vehicle facing the hangar
nicolas.boullosa: the spectacular frontal side
nicolas.boullosa: secret operation 610