nicolas.boullosa: fiction factory
nicolas.boullosa: the wikkelhouse, a cnc prefab "cardboard" insulated house
nicolas.boullosa: the team of fiction factory uses now its cnc experience to build the wikkelhouse ("wrap house" in dutch)
nicolas.boullosa: inside the factory
nicolas.boullosa: the wikkelhouse is built with modular segments
nicolas.boullosa: the wikkelhouse is highly customizable
nicolas.boullosa: each 5 square meter segment can serve different purposes
nicolas.boullosa: oep schilling, founder of fiction factory
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten dirksen and oep schilling at the headquarters of fiction factory (amsterdam outskirts)
nicolas.boullosa: oep schilling explaining the cnc printing process of modules
nicolas.boullosa: the custom designed cnc printer that creates the basic structure of each module
nicolas.boullosa: segment of one wikkelhouse module
nicolas.boullosa: different modules being assembled depending of layout of every order
nicolas.boullosa: oep schilling from fiction factory's "wikkelhouse", amsterdam
nicolas.boullosa: oep schilling interviewed by *faircompanies (at fiction factory, amsterdam)
nicolas.boullosa: walk-thru the process
nicolas.boullosa: wikkelhouse segments
nicolas.boullosa: there are bathroom, kitchen, kitchenette, living room, bedroom segments, etc.
nicolas.boullosa: the structure, 24 layers of corrugated cardboard, serve as support and insulation
nicolas.boullosa: wikkelhouse factory, amsterdam
nicolas.boullosa: the segments include all services & connections
nicolas.boullosa: a future wall
nicolas.boullosa: wikkelhouse modules ready to be clicked together
nicolas.boullosa: segment in the middle of the insulation process
nicolas.boullosa: the section of each segments shows a work of precision
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten dirksen and oep schilling
nicolas.boullosa: atop a segment still detached
nicolas.boullosa: inside a finished wikkelhouse
nicolas.boullosa: oep schilling explains the most popular model is made of 8 segments
nicolas.boullosa: from the entrance: living area and kitchen