nicolas.boullosa: asturian panera (hórreo with more than 4 stilts or "pegollos")
nicolas.boullosa: hórreos outlast some of the homes in the estates were they were built
nicolas.boullosa: some roman texts recommend "granaries on stilts"
nicolas.boullosa: the oldest document containing an image of an hórreo is the "cántigas de santa maria" by alfonso x "el sabio"
nicolas.boullosa: asturian hórreo
nicolas.boullosa: from the outside
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten interviews the owner of the panera
nicolas.boullosa: similar buildings are found in switzerland and southern england
nicolas.boullosa: perspective of the panera
nicolas.boullosa: some asturian paneras are as big as small rural houses
nicolas.boullosa: panera asturiana from the late xvii century
nicolas.boullosa: hórreos are zoned as historic granaries and can't be moved from their original area nor destroyed
nicolas.boullosa: panera asturiana
nicolas.boullosa: the "pegollo" (stilt) has one "muela" (horizontal stone or wood to keep rodents and other animals from climbing to the granary)
nicolas.boullosa: hórreos are historic rural buildings unique to north-west coastal spain and little stretches of northern portugal
nicolas.boullosa: asturian old granary on stilts used as introspection cabin
nicolas.boullosa: this panera was restored as small cabin
nicolas.boullosa: "paneras" are hórreos with 6 stilts instead of 4
nicolas.boullosa: chestnut wood lasts centuries, according to the family who owns this panera
nicolas.boullosa: wooden hórreo (traditional granary on stilts from northern spain)
nicolas.boullosa: panera: the stilts are called "pegollos"
nicolas.boullosa: mountain life in northern spain
nicolas.boullosa: arcadian beauty
nicolas.boullosa: no matter where you look in the area
nicolas.boullosa: early morning run: some conversations with locals up in the mountains
nicolas.boullosa: picos de europa, where pens look like tuscan villas
nicolas.boullosa: rolling verdant hills in august
nicolas.boullosa: onís, picos de europa
nicolas.boullosa: concejo de onís