nicolas.boullosa: we visited a small town by the outskirts of basel, switzerlang
nicolas.boullosa: exploring the area and doing some field reporting
nicolas.boullosa: tito herlach joined us to show us the translucent house he built for a family
nicolas.boullosa: on the left, the almost-suburban property where this low budget country home was built
nicolas.boullosa: some interesting vehicles parked by the area
nicolas.boullosa: the south facade has a mechanically movable screen to regulate climate/privacy
nicolas.boullosa: tito herlach with kirsten dirksen
nicolas.boullosa: bayreuth, franconia (bavaria)
nicolas.boullosa: hofgarten park, bayreuth
nicolas.boullosa: inside hofgarten
nicolas.boullosa: bayreuth's local rival is weimar (both cities are very connected to art and music)
nicolas.boullosa: some early morning pictures at random while running
nicolas.boullosa: local character
nicolas.boullosa: kirchgasse
nicolas.boullosa: stadtkirche bayreuth (city church, later gothic style)
nicolas.boullosa: bayreuth
nicolas.boullosa: schulstraße
nicolas.boullosa: to the right, the modern building that gathers the richard wagner museum (the building to the left is wagner's own house)
nicolas.boullosa: wagner museum
nicolas.boullosa: modern addition
nicolas.boullosa: a grey morning at bayreuth, late october 2017
nicolas.boullosa: bayreuth center
nicolas.boullosa: franconia
nicolas.boullosa: tiny wagner
nicolas.boullosa: we met jan körbes, a young architect from the collective Refunc
nicolas.boullosa: after 2 years living on a camper, jan körbes built a house out of an old silo
nicolas.boullosa: jan körbes silo house, currently "parked" in berlin
nicolas.boullosa: the house was dubbed "silo city"
nicolas.boullosa: jan körbes lived in the 3 story tiny structure with his daughter