nicolas.boullosa: back in oakland
nicolas.boullosa: some tarantino charm
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten and luke
nicolas.boullosa: luke shows us the progress done in 1 year: new space, new containers, community of "builders" renting out the space
nicolas.boullosa: heather stewart and kirsten dirksen
nicolas.boullosa: exploring some ideas
nicolas.boullosa: containers under modification
nicolas.boullosa: paper being turned into reality
nicolas.boullosa: among shipping containers
nicolas.boullosa: shipping containers
nicolas.boullosa: several units are being independently built
nicolas.boullosa: exploring openings
nicolas.boullosa: future window
nicolas.boullosa: dogs and natural light
nicolas.boullosa: perspective
nicolas.boullosa: tools for making shipping container houses
nicolas.boullosa: metal work
nicolas.boullosa: to the upper floor
nicolas.boullosa: there's still more room to be allocated
nicolas.boullosa: under the skylight
nicolas.boullosa: luke and heather purchased the space
nicolas.boullosa: where the containertopia is being build
nicolas.boullosa: startup culture meets shipping containers
nicolas.boullosa: off-grid experiments
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten dirksen with luke iseman and heather stewart
nicolas.boullosa: the upper loft
nicolas.boullosa: old industrial
nicolas.boullosa: shared space ("co-living")