nicolas.boullosa: derek diedricksen showing kirsten dirksen the original drawings of "humble homes, simple shacks..."
nicolas.boullosa: with derek diedricksen
nicolas.boullosa: some of the sketches
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten dirksen & derek diedricksen
nicolas.boullosa: some alternative literature on tiny houses & related topics
nicolas.boullosa: more book
nicolas.boullosa: derek's graphic novel "humble homes, simple shacks..."
nicolas.boullosa: some music going on here and there during the conversation
nicolas.boullosa: sheltered in deek's house while it was raining in boston
nicolas.boullosa: some books
nicolas.boullosa: deek quotes several authors and can track design-conceptual ideas in his library
nicolas.boullosa: structure in the front yard
nicolas.boullosa: nico boullosa in the rain
nicolas.boullosa: one of deek's structures all over his property
nicolas.boullosa: deek is experimenting with transparent structures
nicolas.boullosa: bare tiny house frame
nicolas.boullosa: playhouse with transparent roof
nicolas.boullosa: transparent polycarbonate allows deek to create walls open to light
nicolas.boullosa: deek's tinkering paradise
nicolas.boullosa: the slope into the backyard
nicolas.boullosa: little playhouse-fort
nicolas.boullosa: front yard from the driveway
nicolas.boullosa: little shacks by deek diedricksen
nicolas.boullosa: some more literature
nicolas.boullosa: creative environment
nicolas.boullosa: "in a sunburned country"
nicolas.boullosa: i talked to deek about music too (there was even "fabulous disaster" by exodus)
nicolas.boullosa: art out of salvaged materials
nicolas.boullosa: living room (it rained all day)