nicolas.boullosa: west sonoma county (northern california)
nicolas.boullosa: scott constable interviewed by *faircompanies (2012)
nicolas.boullosa: scott constable
nicolas.boullosa: west sonoma county
nicolas.boullosa: scott constable in front of his house
nicolas.boullosa: aging exterior self-made big gatherings table
nicolas.boullosa: table surface
nicolas.boullosa: a long log
nicolas.boullosa: the constables' long backyard table
nicolas.boullosa: constable
nicolas.boullosa: a table designed for gatherings
nicolas.boullosa: scott constable in front of his working shed
nicolas.boullosa: the art of sweeping the porch
nicolas.boullosa: putting in practice the "deepcraft manifesto"
nicolas.boullosa: scott constable
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten dirksen (left) & scott constable
nicolas.boullosa: a polymath's working space
nicolas.boullosa: inside scott constable's working shed
nicolas.boullosa: aging wooden deck
nicolas.boullosa: "a deck is also a piece of art"
nicolas.boullosa: scott constable (left) and kirsten dirksen (right)
nicolas.boullosa: walking through the constables' live/work property in west sonoma county