nicolas.boullosa: bright summer day
nicolas.boullosa: 2 models of tiny house (art space on left and office space on right)
nicolas.boullosa: the words "little" and "tiny" are being more and more used
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten dirksen (faircompanies) and stephen marshall (littlehouseonthetrailer)
nicolas.boullosa: trailer platform
nicolas.boullosa: open houses
nicolas.boullosa: the window on top is for the bed
nicolas.boullosa: enough to cook comfortably
nicolas.boullosa: drawing
nicolas.boullosa: literature in Spanish on a Californian shelve
nicolas.boullosa: some resourceful shots
nicolas.boullosa: one of the small houses from behind
nicolas.boullosa: "little house on the trailer"
nicolas.boullosa: built on wheels, these tiny houses are easily moved and adaptable
nicolas.boullosa: stephen marshall
nicolas.boullosa: stephen marshall and kirsten dirksen
nicolas.boullosa: stephen marshall, owner of Little House on the Trailer
nicolas.boullosa: kirsten, shooting a video for faircompanies
nicolas.boullosa: tiny houses
nicolas.boullosa: marshall explains these houses adapt easily to different circumstances
nicolas.boullosa: video interview for faircompanies
nicolas.boullosa: tiny houses
nicolas.boullosa: shooting
nicolas.boullosa: from the window of a tiny house built on wheels
nicolas.boullosa: white tiny houses
nicolas.boullosa: tiny house
nicolas.boullosa: little native garden