annalenahallner: Mitt bidrag till Fotosöndags utmaning på temat kallt som is / My entry to Fotosöndag’s weekly challenge: cold as ice
Agirard: At Home after the snow. The Shed
monorail-germany: --upside--
柄松 稔 Minoru Karamatsu: Outdoor escalator
Cajofavi: Isigt
martha ander: The-light-is-on-!
Maria Eklind: Cracks in the ice
Göte Nordin: Frostiga träd / Frosty trees
Mange J: Cold as ice
Pham Duy Tuan: By the lake
chapichapo2012: Illuminations du mont Saint-Michel
lavignassey: Ile de Louët
ge-ka: Lampe und Fenster - Schmiedekunst - Lamp and window - blacksmithing / on Explore 2023-12-03
eol9097: 102767
jutta_koe: Pause
fotoerdmann: ....from another world.
klickpix70: Dinner for One (in explore)
- Lubbock -: Mystic Forest
Croix-roussien: Cube houses
BogumilPason: First snow
KieGe: Morning light
@WineAlchemy1: Tools of the Trade
maj-lis: Mitt bidrag till veckans fotosöndag, tema adventsmys
Maria Eklind: Advent coziness in the city
annalenahallner: Explore December 3, 2023. Mitt bidrag till Fotosöndags utmaning: adventmys. / My entry to Fotosöndag’s weekly challenge: the feeling of Advent
Göte Nordin: Rimfrost och tända ljus / Rime frost
martha ander: Pattern