faerygrrrl: other side of the living room
faerygrrrl: hallway to nowhere
faerygrrrl: half of the living room
faerygrrrl: inside the closet
faerygrrrl: our new bedroom
faerygrrrl: i adore the vintage mirror
faerygrrrl: mix of old and new
faerygrrrl: from middle room (laundry and front space)
faerygrrrl: tiny office off kitchen and backyard
faerygrrrl: our "yard"
faerygrrrl: our lease says they're gonna take away all the crap
faerygrrrl: who knows?
faerygrrrl: look at all that storage space!
faerygrrrl: erin fae for scale
faerygrrrl: future laundry room
faerygrrrl: middle room and bricked up fireplace
faerygrrrl: inside looking out (shop floor)
faerygrrrl: street view
faerygrrrl: this is where we will install dream kitchen!
faerygrrrl: future living room to be
faerygrrrl: omg, we have to paint the outside
faerygrrrl: view from middle of the shop
faerygrrrl: bathroom