faerygrrrl: elizabeth enjoys a faux-nickelodeon
faerygrrrl: teaism
faerygrrrl: lunch at teaism
faerygrrrl: koi at teaism
faerygrrrl: gawdy souvenir store
faerygrrrl: election shirts
faerygrrrl: DC souvenirs
faerygrrrl: U.S. Tax Court
faerygrrrl: but really, still a serious fae
faerygrrrl: botanic garden bliss
faerygrrrl: traveling into the jungle
faerygrrrl: shane b plays in the dirt
faerygrrrl: orchid room
faerygrrrl: orchids
faerygrrrl: jungle water
faerygrrrl: in the children's garden
faerygrrrl: giant pods
faerygrrrl: elizbath considers the mini conservatory
faerygrrrl: a ready pineapple
faerygrrrl: a growing pineapple
faerygrrrl: specials today
faerygrrrl: bouquets
faerygrrrl: Greek Oregano
faerygrrrl: fried sage leaves
faerygrrrl: fresh herbs
faerygrrrl: beech mushrooms
faerygrrrl: owney
faerygrrrl: owney in profile