faerie made:
freshly bathed. soaking wet poodle. on bed. ugh
faerie made:
can she see? i dunno.
faerie made:
faerie made:
where's her eyes?
faerie made:
poodle topknot. not blown dry nor brushed. gonna start cording!
faerie made:
it's a start.
faerie made:
grooming room also known as temperance's house of torture.
faerie made:
taking this and forming cords. i hope.
faerie made:
mats starting. cords in about 8mo to a year.
faerie made:
mats forming.
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hair and nose
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her face before clippering.
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trying to brush ears
faerie made:
she always does this and it makes me laugh.
faerie made:
faerie made:
brushed ears messy topknot
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faerie made:
love a smiling spoo and girly too!
faerie made:
2 weeks in.
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separation starting 2 weeks in cording.
faerie made:
2 weeks in cording. she's getting more of these. i mist daily, scrunch and separate.
faerie made:
tail 2 weeks in cording
faerie made:
poodle cords 2.5 weeks in.
faerie made:
she's a tomboy!
faerie made:
heh. she's a mess, but oh i love her so.
faerie made:
faerie made:
faerie made:
faerie made:
faerie made: