factoryjoe: Phone booths
factoryjoe: Welcome to Microsoft
factoryjoe: Bill's got his eye on YOU!
factoryjoe: Microsoft: going up?
factoryjoe: Lobby
factoryjoe: Energy Star compliant building!
factoryjoe: The Landmark @ One Market
factoryjoe: Bill peeks
factoryjoe: Steve smirks
factoryjoe: Jumping guy! Yeah!
factoryjoe: Tantek, exmsft
factoryjoe: One Market interior
factoryjoe: One Market interior
factoryjoe: Neil leads a session on Drupal Theming
factoryjoe: The Grid
factoryjoe: The Audience
factoryjoe: Eileen!
factoryjoe: Eileen of Ritual
factoryjoe: No Starch Press donates awesome books!
factoryjoe: BarCamplet!
factoryjoe: Conversating in the lobby
factoryjoe: Camping @ Microsoft
factoryjoe: Camping @ Microsoft
factoryjoe: The Grid
factoryjoe: Scott Beale & Eddie
factoryjoe: Belkin comes through!
factoryjoe: Belkin comes through!
factoryjoe: Kitt's snack spree!
factoryjoe: Burtonator
factoryjoe: Hauling Kitt's snacks