Faces, Places and Things: Union Station -LA 2015
Faces, Places and Things: Semi Finals - Riot Games
Faces, Places and Things: From the stage
Faces, Places and Things: Apartments in Vancouver, BC
Faces, Places and Things: Student Req Building
Faces, Places and Things: University of Texas
Faces, Places and Things: Bank on 6th and Congress
Faces, Places and Things: DCB6065_HDR_Final
Faces, Places and Things: DCB0361_ReEdit2color8bit
Faces, Places and Things: Riot Games Semi-Finals 2013 Galen Center, Los Angeles
Faces, Places and Things: The chapel at Thanksgiving Square, Dallas,
Faces, Places and Things: Architecture is my first love and my first degree. I miss practicing architecture, but I continue to live it and live it through photography. This is the Univeraity of Texas Library, Austin, Texas. #architecture #building #structue #lookingup #up #mono #m
Faces, Places and Things: League of Legends World Championship - 2013
Faces, Places and Things: San Antonio G+ Photowalk
Faces, Places and Things: Doors to the Past