facehawaii: Our Lady of the Mount's delegation
facehawaii: Trinity UMC's delegation
facehawaii: Kahaluu UMC's delegation
facehawaii: voting on the issues
facehawaii: voting on the issues
facehawaii: voting on the issues
facehawaii: voting on the issues
facehawaii: voting on the issues
facehawaii: Rev. Bob Nakata
facehawaii: FACE Member and Congressional candidate, Rafael Del Castillo
facehawaii: Karen Ginoza on Education
facehawaii: Cade Watanabe on the Economy and Jobs
facehawaii: Christy MacPherson on Housing
facehawaii: Shirley Kuma on Immigration
facehawaii: Don Armstrong on the Environment and Land Use
facehawaii: Judy Ott, Al Lagaso and Rev. Dennis Brouillette on Healthcare
facehawaii: Dr. Clementina Ceria-Ulep introduces the issues
facehawaii: Rev. Sam Domingo
facehawaii: Rev. Louise Ulrich gives the opening reflection