fabbio: Quando Sandra dorme, nei suoi sogni, vede la Madonna
fabbio: Different visions
fabbio: Nazi bottle
fabbio: Piumino sciarpa ed orecchio
fabbio: La potenza di simmetrie specchiate in un tappeto di menzogne (diane!)
fabbio: You're in the Jungle baby... wake up... Time to diee!!!
fabbio: Shiny Tiles Reflections
fabbio: Gambe accavalate sott'olio
fabbio: Tubis Consecutio Temporum
fabbio: Train approaching. Please stand back behind the yellow line
fabbio: Chatting in the tube is not straight
fabbio: Time waits for nobody
fabbio: Foot fetish
fabbio: Yeah
fabbio: Il degrado che avanza
fabbio: Different view
fabbio: Toooooooooooobe
fabbio: Direction: heaven
fabbio: Ground
fabbio: Lights, Streetlights and microbes
fabbio: Ghosts and crossroad
fabbio: Tube
fabbio: Stairway to HuangHe
fabbio: Title goes here
fabbio: Gardaland
fabbio: Here goes a title
fabbio: "The King of the Canal"
fabbio: Asymmetry
fabbio: Snow on petrol
fabbio: Under the Bridge II (different bridge)