Fabio Rage: Chestnut-backed Antshrike (Choca-listrada)
Fabio Rage: Blue-and-yellow macaw couple
Fabio Rage: Morning mist in the Jungle
Fabio Rage: "The charm of the forest"
Fabio Rage: Black-faced dacnis (saí-de-máscara-preta)
Fabio Rage: White-bellied Parrot (Marianinha-de-cabeça-amarela)
Fabio Rage: Olive Oropendola (Japuaçu)
Fabio Rage: Blue-necked Tanager (Saíra-de-cabeça-azul)
Fabio Rage: Bar-breasted Piculet (Pica-pau-anão-dourado)
Fabio Rage: White-fronted Nunbird (Chora-chuva-de-cara-branca)
Fabio Rage: Sunrise with fog
Fabio Rage: Red-necked Aracari (Araçari-de-pescoço-vermelho)
Fabio Rage: Light rays in the morning
Fabio Rage: Curl-crested Aracari (Araçari-mulato)
Fabio Rage: Scarlet Macaw (Araracanga)
Fabio Rage: Xingu Scale-backed Antbird (Rendadinho-do-xingu)
Fabio Rage: Cryptic forest falcon (Falcão-críptico)
Fabio Rage: Hoatzin (Cigana)
Fabio Rage: South Amazon view
Fabio Rage: "Life time"
Fabio Rage: White-bellied Parrot (Marianinha-de-cabeça-amarela)
Fabio Rage: "Sun sweep"
Fabio Rage: Amazon Kingfisher