Fabian-Soldano: American Avocet
Fabian-Soldano: American Avocet
Fabian-Soldano: American Avocet and chick
Fabian-Soldano: American Avocet and chicks
Fabian-Soldano: Black-necked stilt and chick
Fabian-Soldano: Black-necked stilt and chick
Fabian-Soldano: Brewer's blackbird
Fabian-Soldano: Forster's tern
Fabian-Soldano: Forster's tern
Fabian-Soldano: Forster's tern
Fabian-Soldano: Forster's tern
Fabian-Soldano: Forster's tern
Fabian-Soldano: Posts in the water
Fabian-Soldano: Surf Scoter
Fabian-Soldano: Surf Scoter
Fabian-Soldano: Surf Scoter
Fabian-Soldano: Western gull