fabian-f: Outside the Palace of Westminster
fabian-f: Big Ben
fabian-f: Bloomsbury, London
fabian-f: British Museum
fabian-f: British Museum, London
fabian-f: Elgin marbles
fabian-f: Large Egyptian
fabian-f: Fashion!
fabian-f: Natural History Museum
fabian-f: Changing of the Guard
fabian-f: City of London offices
fabian-f: Tate Modern
fabian-f: Tate Modern
fabian-f: Fabian on the Millennium Bridge
fabian-f: Millennium bridge
fabian-f: Across the Thames to St Paul's
fabian-f: Piccadilly Circus
fabian-f: Making a call
fabian-f: Carnaby St, London
fabian-f: Phone boxes, London
fabian-f: London family
fabian-f: Rolling in the grass
fabian-f: Street art, London
fabian-f: Eros, Piccadilly Circus
fabian-f: K loves beaver
fabian-f: K loves tortoise
fabian-f: Putney bookstore, London