Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee doing Pilates
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee's sneak attack
Fab 5 Felines: Binky all sprawled out on the window ledge
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee's Non-declaw Paw
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee's Gingivitis-Stomatitus Smile
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee Sleeping
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee konked out
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee out cold on my lap
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee's pigment loss is quite apparent here
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee trying her best to wake up
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee Sleeping on my bed
Fab 5 Felines: Fonzie the stamp licker
Fab 5 Felines: Fonzie, my special little guy
Fab 5 Felines: Precious the crossed eyed, once feral, sweetheart
Fab 5 Felines: Spook the sidewalk kitten getting bigger
Fab 5 Felines: Spook the sidewalk kitten with eyes open
Fab 5 Felines: Spook the sidewalk kitten
Fab 5 Felines: Spook the sidewalk kitten getting some vision
Fab 5 Felines: Coda and Spook the sidewalk kitten
Fab 5 Felines: Spook the sidewalk kitten - 22 days old
Fab 5 Felines: Spook the sidewalk kitten - loves her "Man Mommy"
Fab 5 Felines: This is a purebred Burmese...watch carefully
Fab 5 Felines: Yes, she is snoring
Fab 5 Felines: Shhhhhh, a PeeWee is sleeping
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee had just about enough of the excessive cleaning from Precious
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee showing off 1 of her 5 pretty teeth
Fab 5 Felines: My best friends cat, Coda sleeping with PeeWee
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee in the middle
Fab 5 Felines: PeeWee next to my kitten named Fonzie
Fab 5 Felines: The first day I adopted PeeWee