f_lynx: Happy New Year!
f_lynx: center of attention...
f_lynx: growing flat...
f_lynx: almost....
f_lynx: kremlin...
f_lynx: one of those contacts that both make my day and help me go out the next...
f_lynx: Happy New Year!
f_lynx: new year done...
f_lynx: 40 minutes to 2014...
f_lynx: 40 minutes into 2014...
f_lynx: getting the lights up...
f_lynx: getting ready...
f_lynx: red square...
f_lynx: looks...
f_lynx: almost there...
f_lynx: just a bit left...
f_lynx: last day of 2014...
f_lynx: square...
f_lynx: snow scale...
f_lynx: Anny...