Anoop Negi:
Titarpur Ravana Effigies, Delhi, India and the Media
Anoop Negi:
Making of Effigies of Ravana at Titarpur in Delhi, India
Anoop Negi:
Getting it Tight - Ganesha Visrjan Pune Drum Beaters
Anoop Negi:
It is Noisy even for the Noise Makers - A drummer covers her ears
Anoop Negi:
Kerala - Roads and its buses and its people with strange predilection for walking on their hands etc.
Anoop Negi:
Bokeh Ghost Riders in the Rain in Delhi
Anoop Negi:
Pulikali Times - Three Motorised Elephant Heads in Thrissur Carrying a Message of Harmony
Anoop Negi:
Fundamint !