Anoop Negi: Badami Cave 3 looking outwards
Anoop Negi: Badami !
Anoop Negi: The Battle of Badami - The Blues Yield reluctantly to the advancing grays and whites
Anoop Negi: Badami Town Pre Monsoon Stormy
Anoop Negi: At Badami, The First Cut is for Lord Shiva - slightly desaturated
Anoop Negi: At Badami, The First Cut is for Lord Shiva
Anoop Negi: Badami - Vishnu takes large steps to stride over the universe
Anoop Negi: Entering Badami, Karnataka , India
Anoop Negi: Cave 1 of Badami with the dynamic fluid and graceful Nataraja in red sand stone
Anoop Negi: Badami Cave 1 With The Sand Stone Cliffs !
Anoop Negi: At Badami, Shiva, the Lord of Dance in sandstone Circa 6th Century AD
Anoop Negi: Nataraja at Badami - Photographing The Cave Sculptures
Anoop Negi: Looking at Badami through the mesas of sandstone as the Rains come in from the west
Anoop Negi: The sandstone Intrusion at Badami
Anoop Negi: Vishnu Takes a Giant Step at Badami, India
Anoop Negi: Badami
Anoop Negi: Badami Caves and the Jamia Masjid
Anoop Negi: The Guardian of a Holy HIndu Site or the Dwarpal at Badami Temple, Cave 1
Anoop Negi: Vishnu Steps Out to Take the Cosmos in a Stride ( or more)
Anoop Negi: Vishnu as Varah - The 3rd Incarnation as a Boar
Anoop Negi: Narasimha at Cave 3 at Badami