Anoop Negi: Allison - The Reluctant Chanteuse !
Anoop Negi: Allison - The Reluctant Chanteuse At Panjim, Goa !
Anoop Negi: Oliver Rajamani ! The Virtuoso !
Anoop Negi: Oliver Rajamani
Anoop Negi: Dorota Piotrowska Drummer at the Peace Concert Goa !
Anoop Negi: Red and White Dancers - Goa 2009 Carnival
Anoop Negi: A Fruity Rio wave at the Goa Carnival 2009 !! alt title...Carmen Miranda of Goa Carnival !
Anoop Negi: Carnival @ Goa - Bare Foot Dancers Pound the Hot Streets with Rhythm Divine !!
Anoop Negi: Swing Brother Swing !
Anoop Negi: Rosie Hardy stumps Flickr and photography world while the Carnival in Goa shashays to a fluid graceful beat of Mother Nature and gets side tracked !!!
Anoop Negi: The saga of Rock and Roll Raaga and a Flute Player for Fusion for Peace !
Anoop Negi: Alexander Beets on the Saxophone !!
Anoop Negi: Maika and Sara Gomez, Ttukunak, Spain
Anoop Negi: Maika and Sara Gomez, Ttukunak, Spain monochrome
Anoop Negi: Maika and Sara Gomez, Ttukunak, Spain on Txalaparta
Anoop Negi: The Pink Trumpet - Saskia Laroo
Anoop Negi: On Drums !! Ms. Dorota Piotrowska, A Polish Beauty !
Anoop Negi: Lighting up the Ceremonial lamp ! Armando !!
Anoop Negi: Warren Byrd on keyboard and vocals !
Anoop Negi: At the Campal, Heritage Jazz Venue
Anoop Negi: Gonsalves Mansion, Campal, Goa
Anoop Negi: Saskia Laroo !! Lady Miles Davis !
Anoop Negi: In Goa, waiting their turn for the Dance. Portrait of 2 Dancers at Bonderam in Diwar
Anoop Negi: Waiting in Goa. Portrait of a Dancer
Anoop Negi: Theyyam Dancing ! Kerala, India
Anoop Negi: Theyyam at Kannur 2
Anoop Negi: Theyyam at Kannur !
Anoop Negi: The Affable Gathering of the Young Masters !
Anoop Negi: Theyyam at Kottayampovil !