Eyrezer: Kwinn Plaza, Gardille, Montitia
Eyrezer: Kwinn Plaza, Gardille, Montitia (higher elevation)
Eyrezer: Sculpture in honour of Priapulin pilot, Charza Kwinn
Eyrezer: Dracos, Tas and the sculpture of Charza Kwinn, Priapulin pilot
Eyrezer: Priapulin
Eyrezer: Tas waits for Dracos
Eyrezer: Local branch of the Montitia miners' union
Eyrezer: Stall for baked goods and vegetables
Eyrezer: Twi'lek boy
Eyrezer: Twi'lek droid salesman
Eyrezer: Ulaha's STAP hire
Eyrezer: Dracos, Free Colonies agent
Eyrezer: Tas, a Weequay resident of Montitia
Eyrezer: Tren miner
Eyrezer: Around the back is a view of Tas' apartment
Eyrezer: Toydarian and Tren play dejarik
Eyrezer: Montitia mining station
Eyrezer: The meet - Klaatu the Weequay
Eyrezer: STAP and wagons
Eyrezer: Making the case - Bindi the Mirialian
Eyrezer: Montitia Dramatis personae
Eyrezer: Jedi signet ring
Eyrezer: New Republic datapad and code cylinder
Eyrezer: Alms I
Eyrezer: Alms II
Eyrezer: Montitia poster
Eyrezer: Cellar raid
Eyrezer: Relic hunting
Eyrezer: Rakata mummy