Eyrezer: A visit to Aliạria, the elven herbalist
Eyrezer: The approach
Eyrezer: The approach II
Eyrezer: The approach III
Eyrezer: The backyard
Eyrezer: Side view
Eyrezer: Cillian, the fire mage, is about to start dinner
Eyrezer: The upper balcony offers a great view
Eyrezer: Aliạria always had a thing for slime molds...
Eyrezer: Classic elven sculture
Eyrezer: Enter the healing garden
Eyrezer: A forest liane is watched over by a diminutive denizen of the forest
Eyrezer: The rare crystalline chrysanthemum
Eyrezer: The interior - currently something of a mess
Eyrezer: A bust of legendary Elven King Tolyedin the Flamboyant
Eyrezer: The kitchen
Eyrezer: Nighttime reading
Eyrezer: Through the trellis
Eyrezer: Trees in the backyard
Eyrezer: Enter the herb garden
Eyrezer: Some flowers have medicinal benefits