esther hdezm: Tatiana continued
esther hdezm: Tatiana, aka the ethnographers' ethnographer
esther hdezm: With Leah and Irene...
esther hdezm: Our first-years giving feedback to each other
esther hdezm: Marcelo talking at the seminar
esther hdezm: Professor Mark Suchman
esther hdezm: Weeam talking about her project
esther hdezm: Leah: my pal Brian...
esther hdezm: "And this was the book that inspired me..."
esther hdezm: Tania during her presentation
esther hdezm: Irene and Bourdieu...
esther hdezm: Irene presenting her preliminary results
esther hdezm: A bit blurry but still...
esther hdezm: Professor Gianpaolo Baiocchi
esther hdezm: Alyssa and Peter
esther hdezm: Political Ethnography Class 2011
esther hdezm: The 2011 teaching team: Gianpaolo, Diana...