esther hdezm: Jen, Laura, Dan, Nikki, and Holly
esther hdezm: Nuestra Adriana!!!!
esther hdezm: Our Holly!!!!
esther hdezm: Dan in movement
esther hdezm: Our new PhDs during the ceremony
esther hdezm: Joe trying to get Max
esther hdezm: "Now I got you" (it was adorable!)
esther hdezm: Jose Itzigsohn presiding the ceremony for the ungraduates
esther hdezm: One of our happy Sociology majors
esther hdezm: More of the graduation ceremony
esther hdezm: Part of the public
esther hdezm: Another angle
esther hdezm: Jen and Oslec
esther hdezm: Our new doctors!!!!!
esther hdezm: Patrick in action
esther hdezm: Jen D., Jen C., Oslec, Julia and Thandie
esther hdezm: And there I am...
esther hdezm: What were we looking at?
esther hdezm: 4 out and 3 more to go!
esther hdezm: "The best cohort ever"
esther hdezm: Felices!!!! Ya mami acabo!!!!
esther hdezm: La sagrada familia
esther hdezm: Adrianita con su mami, la Doctora Lopez Ramirez
esther hdezm: Thandie, Gaby, Rene, Adrianita y Adriana
esther hdezm: We did it!
esther hdezm: Los esposos sacrificados
esther hdezm: With Dave Meyer
esther hdezm: The happy (and way, way less stressed out) couple
esther hdezm: Very busy
esther hdezm: Super-Max!!!