eyewashdesign: A. Golden: Baby REBEL, "Bailout is BABBLE!"
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: insert __________ face here --->
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: she seems so convinced ...
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: ... even moreso in color
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: the candidate cluster
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: One in the --> middle <--
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: edwards? billary? obama? who will win?
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: ---> (S)HE will win.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: Calicos for OBAMA / BIDEN.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: OBAMA / BIDEN.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: Let's HOPE Corporate Welfare Ceases ---> like, say..Jan. 21st?
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: "I'm George Washington and I approve this message."
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: Where's Waldo? I meant...OBAMA?
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: Naomi Wolf @ WALL ST. BAILOUT PROTEST.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. ~ Thomas Jefferson.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: "Beware of a misfit occupation. . . . Consider carefully your natural bent, whether for business or a profession." ~ Marshall Field.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: "Citizenship is a tough occupation which obliges the citizen to make his own informed opinion and stand by it." ~ Martha Gellhorn
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: "Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state." ` Thomas Jefferson.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: NYC TO WALL ST.: BUSH / CHENEY: DROP DEAD.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: The NATIVES are RESTLESS.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: United We STAND.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: Historic Moment: the Fall of an Empire - 25 SEP. 2008.
eyewashdesign: A. Golden: Spot the Scahill @ NYC WALL ST. BAILOUT PROTEST?