eyesore9: Daddy Cool
eyesore9: Butterfly
eyesore9: Sparkles!
eyesore9: Fayeding to purple
eyesore9: Bye bye bridge
eyesore9: Yay - the bridge!
eyesore9: The bridge is to the left
eyesore9: Still no bridge
eyesore9: Spot the bridge
eyesore9: It's all about temperature
eyesore9: Batgirl
eyesore9: Girl with veil on beach at night (of course!)
eyesore9: Siren
eyesore9: Closing shot
eyesore9: A very patient model 2
eyesore9: A very patient model 1
eyesore9: Braving the wind 5
eyesore9: Braving the wind 4
eyesore9: Braving the wind 3
eyesore9: Braving the wind 2
eyesore9: Braving the wind 1
eyesore9: A pretty pair
eyesore9: On the bench
eyesore9: Framed
eyesore9: Arch
eyesore9: Shame about the music ...
eyesore9: Mother and child
eyesore9: Abandoned on the street
eyesore9: Adding insult ...
eyesore9: Gritting her teeth