eye-see: You blink... and goodbye summer.
eye-see: rooftops
eye-see: Bow Falls
eye-see: Bow Falls
eye-see: The Classic " i just moved west.. .this is my morning view" shot.
eye-see: complete unfamiliarity.
eye-see: A purpose of its own.
eye-see: A fashion of its own.
eye-see: A Dragon update... now in the shoe.
eye-see: Oh. yes. welcome to the Rockies.
eye-see: My New Friends
eye-see: Elbow.
eye-see: listen (listen,listen)
eye-see: South
eye-see: North.
eye-see: Out of Practice.
eye-see: Finally looking back.
eye-see: Bankrupt on Selling.
eye-see: don't ya notice... life goes on?