Eye magazine: 1. Most Beautiful + Data Journalism - GOLD winner - Spies in the Skies by Peter Aldous and Charles Seife for Buzzfeed (USA)
Eye magazine: La Lettura Migranti 11 - map - CS4 FINALE-01
Eye magazine: 4. Dataviz project + Outstanding Individual - GOLD winner - Data Cuisine by Moritz Stefaner (Germany)
Eye magazine: 5. Interactive - GOLD winner - ShipMap.org by Duncan Clark and Robin Houston at Kiln
Eye magazine: 7. Commecial or Biz project - GOLD winner - Data USA by Datawheel, Deloitte and Macro Connections
Eye magazine: 9. Student awards - GOLD winner - Income Equality in LA and Chicago by Herwig Scherabon
Eye magazine: 11. Rising Star - GOLD winner (tied) - The BMJ Infographics by Will Stahl-Timmins
Eye magazine: IMPACT_1_0_08__2_smaller900
Eye magazine: 23rd_March__17_-_Keith_Houston
Eye magazine: printers_devil
Eye magazine: Nathan-Lerner-Eye-on-Nails
Eye magazine: lizziemarycullen
Eye magazine: Dziga Vertov: Enthousiasm: Symphony of the Donbas (1931)
Eye magazine: 2.Beekman, Compositie, 1920
Eye magazine: 66948e0260
Eye magazine: anigif_longform-original-30023-1459957866-4-1
Eye magazine: La Lettura Migranti 11 - map - CS4 ENGLISH
Eye magazine: Will Stahl-Timmins’ The BMJ Infographics (UK)
Eye magazine: BMJ_detail
Eye magazine: Image 1
Eye magazine: concrete
Eye magazine: Yvon Lambert, La Habana Centro, 1996
Eye magazine: Retouchiert_Cuba_N°163_recto_Fidel-Castro-hand-coloured_155x99cm
Eye magazine: EyeCovers_600
Eye magazine: Twitter-header-93
Eye magazine: Flatland_18
Eye magazine: Flatland_14
Eye magazine: Flatland_12
Eye magazine: Flatland_10