chicago_bear: Alley with view of movie theater
chicago_bear: Ned Ryerson's corner BING!
chicago_bear: Tip Top Cafe
chicago_bear: Where Phil stole Phil (groundhog)
chicago_bear: Old Courthouse Arts Center
chicago_bear: Pennsylvania Hotel
chicago_bear: Starbucks looking out to Woodstock Square
chicago_bear: Woodstock park
chicago_bear: Groundhog Day Gazebo
chicago_bear: Groundhog Day Gazebo
chicago_bear: View of the PA Hotel from the gazebo
chicago_bear: Movie theater from the park
chicago_bear: View of the courthouse from the gazebo
chicago_bear: Snowball fight
chicago_bear: Gazebo view
chicago_bear: View of the PA Hotel from the gazebo
chicago_bear: Snowball fight
chicago_bear: Groundhog Day Gazebo
chicago_bear: Pennsylvania Hotel
chicago_bear: Movie theater from the park
chicago_bear: Old Courthouse Arts Center
chicago_bear: Pennsylvania Hotel
chicago_bear: Woodstock downtown
chicago_bear: Ned Ryerson's block
chicago_bear: Ned Ryerson's block
chicago_bear: Groundhog Day Gazebo and Pennsylvania Hotel
chicago_bear: Movie theater with ticket booth
chicago_bear: Movie theater with ticket booth
chicago_bear: Groundhog Day Gazebo and Pennsylvania Hotel
chicago_bear: Ned Ryerson's block