eyduck: Pergatory?
eyduck: Ye Olde Table
eyduck: My side of things
eyduck: An Army of Peg People
eyduck: Phoenix ComiCon Table
eyduck: Giddy and the Legendary Phoenix ComiCon Table
eyduck: Woodcutter Signing
eyduck: Awesome Party, Table for Three
eyduck: Apocolypse Surviving Velma
eyduck: Giddy Girlie Hard at World
eyduck: Giddy Girlie Hard at World
eyduck: Giddy Girlie Hard at World
eyduck: Giddy Girlie Hard at World
eyduck: Giddy Girlie Hard at World
eyduck: Ryan Winn Sketch
eyduck: Ryan Winn and Joe Weems Interview
eyduck: Darth Elvis
eyduck: Ryan Winn and Joe Weems Interview
eyduck: Ryan Winn and Joe Weems Interview
eyduck: Super Bows for Super Pets
eyduck: 250818_594242970684_52302387_32759574_4212754_n
eyduck: Woodcutter Signing at Phoenix Comicon this Weekend!