extrajoss: A little trip we took to Mehiko
extrajoss: Luisa gets a hair transplant
extrajoss: So we had to crack the second chicken
extrajoss: Tim stole Luisa's dinner
extrajoss: Who knows what we were talking about , but looks like we were having fun
extrajoss: Michael demonstrates how he manged to steal Mary's gas when she was giving birth
extrajoss: The Gang
extrajoss: Luke "Entertains" Maika
extrajoss: Hannah hurt her chin
extrajoss: This is what celaric looks like
extrajoss: Making Coq au vin
extrajoss: Maika is developing a drinking problem
extrajoss: Mmmm Pies
extrajoss: Hooray for andrea
extrajoss: Matt and Andrea enjoy our feast of avocados
extrajoss: Avocado Soup with Bro and Bella
extrajoss: Dinner at Mark and Bels