extrajoss: Not exactly exciting
extrajoss: No wonder she always looks a little nervous!
extrajoss: Ah now thats a little more comforting, still she has a prety crazy look in her eye though!
extrajoss: Damn that is a big nappy! What are they trying to do to me??
extrajoss: Humpty gets a workout
extrajoss: Mandatory Parental Torture Shot
extrajoss: For the 2 week footprint
extrajoss: Inking up the foot
extrajoss: Apparently girls wear pink?
extrajoss: Maika's-Foot taken By Daz
extrajoss: Maika's Footprints
extrajoss: Rubber ducky you're the one
extrajoss: Bathtime
extrajoss: Maika's new pillow/friend
extrajoss: What are you looking at ,Perv !?
extrajoss: Maika completely zonked out with Lapin
extrajoss: Its so hard not to take photos of her