romexjuli: Aplomado falcon
romexjuli: White-tailed hawk
romexjuli: American bittern
romexjuli: Adult and juvenile white ibis
romexjuli: 2 white ibises
romexjuli: Reddish egret white phase
romexjuli: Tricolored heron
romexjuli: American oystercatcher
romexjuli: Ruddy turnstone
romexjuli: Semipalmated plovers
romexjuli: Piping plover
romexjuli: Least grebe
romexjuli: Great blue heron on cactus nest
romexjuli: Gray catbird departing
romexjuli: Blue-headed vireo
romexjuli: Blue-headed vireo with bug
romexjuli: tropical kingbird
romexjuli: Blue-gray gnatcatcher
romexjuli: Great kiskadee showing a bit of its crest
romexjuli: hybrid titmouse
romexjuli: Swamp sparrow
romexjuli: Seaside sparrow
romexjuli: Lincoln sparrow
romexjuli: Field sparrow
romexjuli: LeConte's sparrow
romexjuli: Almost a sedge wren
romexjuli: Almost a Carolina wren
romexjuli: Orange-crowned warbler
romexjuli: Coyote in the marsh