Expose Your Soul: saxamaphone
Expose Your Soul: kim hak song...highting!
Expose Your Soul: the unsung heroes of the day
Expose Your Soul: mixin tok
Expose Your Soul: no uniforms for us
Expose Your Soul: my serious face
Expose Your Soul: guidance counsellor
Expose Your Soul: ahhh my solar plexussss
Expose Your Soul: seong ho's lovin it
Expose Your Soul: a-maze-ing game
Expose Your Soul: spielberg shows who's boss
Expose Your Soul: the movie club crew
Expose Your Soul: hulk smaaaassshhh
Expose Your Soul: oh, these really are beebees
Expose Your Soul: mother, math teacher, sniper
Expose Your Soul: ready, aim...
Expose Your Soul: mosquito netting
Expose Your Soul: to the death
Expose Your Soul: this is my house
Expose Your Soul: clash of the titans
Expose Your Soul: he got a running start
Expose Your Soul: shake yo bootay
Expose Your Soul: can you feel my heart beat?
Expose Your Soul: sweater was louder than the speakers
Expose Your Soul: three cabiaros
Expose Your Soul: the audience is enthralled
Expose Your Soul: class act