Explore The Bruce: Snowshoeing near Stokes Bay
Explore The Bruce: Fall Colours on the Bruce Trail near Purple Valley
Explore The Bruce: Hiking on the Eastern shore of the Peninsula
Explore The Bruce: Boardwalk at Schmidt Lake near Chepstow
Explore The Bruce: Hiking in Inverhuron Provincial Park
Explore The Bruce: Bruce Trail at Smokey Head/White Bluff near Cape Chin
Explore The Bruce: Following the whole Bruce Trail leads from Tobermory to Niagara Falls
Explore The Bruce: Hart's Tongue Side Trail - Between Cape Croker and Hope Bay
Explore The Bruce: Skinner's Bluff Lookout
Explore The Bruce: Sydney Bay Lookout
Explore The Bruce: Plenty of markers point the way
Explore The Bruce: Helpful Pointers
Explore The Bruce: Looking out over the bay