victoria takahashi / experimetal: *eentsy weentsy teentsy anties for DTLB
victoria takahashi / experimetal: *eentsy weentsy teentsy anties for DTLB
victoria takahashi / experimetal: (video) hermit crabs
victoria takahashi / experimetal: OMfreaking Gawddddddddd!
victoria takahashi / experimetal: teeny-weeny sluggy-buggy
victoria takahashi / experimetal: whatch ya doin' in my house lil' feller?
victoria takahashi / experimetal: this is for alphabettispaghetti
victoria takahashi / experimetal: *Please ID~ this Shiso caterpillar.
victoria takahashi / experimetal: video: slugfestpalooza 09
victoria takahashi / experimetal: video: say bye bye....
victoria takahashi / experimetal: video: uh...hellooOoo who invited you?
victoria takahashi / experimetal: 2010 shiso caterpillars
victoria takahashi / experimetal: shiso caterpillar video
victoria takahashi / experimetal: cluster of caterpillars
victoria takahashi / experimetal: cluster of caterpillars