Experimental Aircraft Association: First morning of the January 2016 Oshkosh SportAir Workshops - we're all ready to get started!
Experimental Aircraft Association: Chapter 252 helping us out by putting together lunch orders
Experimental Aircraft Association: The perfect backdrop for our class - Weeks Hangar
Experimental Aircraft Association: Wood Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building - the ever so important jig
Experimental Aircraft Association: I learned the basics and importance of resin and the hardner
Experimental Aircraft Association: Wood Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building - on to adding the scarf joints
Experimental Aircraft Association: Wood Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building - almost done, need to wait until the glue in the joints is harden.
Experimental Aircraft Association: Wood Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building - removing the staples that were holding the glued scarf joins in place
Experimental Aircraft Association: The EAA team who attended are proud of their wood 'riblets'!
Experimental Aircraft Association: Composite Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Mark Forss of EAA teaching us how to form the foam with a hot wire in the Composite Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: I think it's hot Mark! Composite Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Forming the foam with a hot wire in the Composite Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Forming the foam with a hot wire in the Composite Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Composite Construction portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building - discussing the resin mixture and application method
Experimental Aircraft Association: Part of the class doing their fabric project
Experimental Aircraft Association: Mark Forss of EAA showing us how to iron the fabric onto the surface to tighten it. Fabric Covering portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building.
Experimental Aircraft Association: Mark Forss of EAA teaching proper poly-brush techniques on fabric - Fabric Covering portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Applying poly-brush to fabric to prepare for painting - Fabric Covering portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Cutting out the inner circle of the inspection ring (used to inspect underneath the fabric covering of the airplane) - Fabric Covering portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Mark Forss of EAA showing us how to form the rib - Fabric Covering portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building
Experimental Aircraft Association: Sheet Metal portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building - forming the ribs with a rubber mallet
Experimental Aircraft Association: Sheet Metal portion of Fundamentals of Aircraft Building - Riveting
Experimental Aircraft Association: I might have over clecoed
Experimental Aircraft Association: My finished projects from the Fundamentals
Experimental Aircraft Association: Sara Miller's finished projects from the Fundamentals of Aircraft Building SportAir Workshop in Oshkosh
Experimental Aircraft Association: Robert Koehler instructing the Sheet Metal workshop class
Experimental Aircraft Association: Robert Koehler instructing the Sheet Metal workshop class
Experimental Aircraft Association: Sheet Metal workshop class
Experimental Aircraft Association: Composite Construction workshop class