exper: Splash the Blood
exper: Blood Tint #7
exper: Ibiscus
exper: Ibiscus
exper: Ibiscus
exper: Blood Tint #5
exper: Blood Tint #6
exper: Blood Tint #4
exper: Blood Tint #3
exper: Blood Tint #2
exper: Blood Tint #1 - Glass-Ice-Plastic like Water
exper: Ibiscus
exper: Multiplier
exper: Right out of this World (Free Burma version)
exper: Free Burma (ibiscus)
exper: Burma Free!
exper: Never Learnt (Mass Destructions)
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 1
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 2
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 3
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 4
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 5
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 6
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 7
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 8
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 9
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 10
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 11
exper: Temper those Fiery Particles 12
exper: Everlasting Fire