Rick Price:
Paola on the Baltic Beach with Maria Pahomenko and Husband
Rick Price:
Paola and Helen Holmes Pedaling Across the North European Plain in Estonia
Rick Price:
Bicycles in Estonia
Rick Price:
Pedaling the Bike Path into Tallinn, Estonia
Rick Price:
Negotiating Bicycles over Glacial Till on the North European Plain
Rick Price:
Carolyn and Harold Martin Taking a Break in front of Glacial Erratic Building Stone Barn
Rick Price:
Glacial Erratics on the North European Plain in Estonia
Rick Price:
Medieval Feast in Olde Hansa, 1400 A.D.
Rick Price:
A Glimpse of Life on the Road in a Hanseatic League Town: Tallinn, Estonia
Rick Price:
Zorro Pedicabs in Tallinn, Estonia
Rick Price:
Pedicab near the Port in Tallinn
Rick Price:
Tallinn Enjoys a Building Boom near the Busy Ferry Port
Rick Price:
Palmse House Manor Hotel in Laheema National Park
Rick Price:
White Stork Nesting at Palmse Manor House
Rick Price:
Stalinist City Planning in Sillamai, Estonia
Rick Price:
Homo Faber Processes Uranium
Rick Price:
Sillamae, Estonia with More Modern Stalinist City Planning
Rick Price:
Sillamae, Estonia - Everyone Gets a Garage
Rick Price:
Estonian Women on a Saturday Afternoon Dressed for a Special Event
Rick Price:
First Serious Mechanical Problem Took us to a Bike Shop in Tallinn
Rick Price:
Paola Buys a Rag Carpet in Russian Roadside Market
Rick Price:
4th of July Estonian Style
Rick Price:
Sitting 'round the campfire on the Baltic Coast of Estonia
Rick Price:
Sunflower Seeds?
Rick Price:
ExpeditionPlus! Group - at least a thirteen of them in Estonia
Rick Price:
Bob Erickson, Rides Hard and Sings in the Evenings
Rick Price:
Russian Dancing with Rod Ulrich
Rick Price:
Modeling Estonian Winter Hats
Rick Price:
Vodka and High Heels - recipe for disaster
Rick Price:
Loren Morris in front of the Haapsalu Train Station (Built in 1905)