Alexandra Cousteau: 20100729 Yuma3 7378 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: Tim Dunn, farmer and president of Dunn Grain Inc., walks through one of his many wheat fields in Yuma, AZ.
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6825 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100729 Yuma3 7358 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6720 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6698 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7048 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6674 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7041 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6934 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6957 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 0188 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 0159 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6861 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6803 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6801 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 0206 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6771 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6759 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7058 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6754 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 6990 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7080 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7125 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7184 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7157 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7250 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7223 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: 20100728 Yuma2 7188 OD
Alexandra Cousteau: Yuma 20100801-Yuma-6274-AS