Expat Photos:
Prova 2015-16 looking over the area
Expat Photos:
The work site in winter
Expat Photos:
The Office blocks - Winter
Expat Photos:
Office are in the daylight
Expat Photos:
Caspian sea at Prova in the winter
Expat Photos:
The frozen Caspian
Expat Photos:
The road home
Expat Photos:
Prova Port
Expat Photos:
Caspian Sea
Expat Photos:
Bautino (From Prova) 2015-16
Expat Photos:
Port Construction
Expat Photos:
Prova Accommodation Block Kaz 2015-6 (7)
Expat Photos:
Offshore Navigation Platform
Expat Photos:
Prorva Port in Winter