exon: Canadian Forces Sea King
exon: Southern Gulf Islands
exon: IMG_7380.jpg
exon: BC Ferries on way to Victoria
exon: Mount Galiano trail
exon: Seal rocks in Active Pass
exon: Seal rocks in Active Pass
exon: Seal v. Fish (Seal is winning)
exon: IMG_7424.jpg
exon: Belted Kingfisher
exon: IMG_7452.jpg
exon: Beach. Shells and pebbles.
exon: IMG_7473.jpg
exon: IMG_7474.jpg
exon: IMG_7475.jpg
exon: IMG_7488.jpg
exon: IMG_7496.jpg
exon: Canadian Forces Sea King
exon: Canadian Forces Sea King
exon: Canadian Forces Sea King
exon: IMG_7526.jpg
exon: IMG_7527.jpg
exon: IMG_7528.jpg
exon: IMG_7532-Edit.jpg
exon: Mussel and barnacle shells
exon: IMG_7563.jpg
exon: IMG_7569.jpg
exon: IMG_7575.jpg
exon: IMG_7578.jpg
exon: Moth on lavender