Exolucere: DIY Patio
Exolucere: Craigdarroch Castle
Exolucere: Another shot of the crazy.
Exolucere: "Orphan's dinner" at Ocean Island Inn! We fed about 40 people for $200... here's to hoping that enough of them donate for me to break even on this event!
Exolucere: So this is Instagram, eh?
Exolucere: Dusk on the Beach
Exolucere: Mile Zero!
Exolucere: Mile Zero!
Exolucere: The Breakwater 3
Exolucere: The Breakwater 2
Exolucere: The Breakwater 1
Exolucere: Beacon Hill Park
Exolucere: Bye bye mountains!
Exolucere: Bye bye snow!
Exolucere: Silo thing
Exolucere: Kockums Drydock 2
Exolucere: Kockums Drydock 1
Exolucere: Malmo, Sweden
Exolucere: Kunstindustreemuseet
Exolucere: Water Fountain
Exolucere: Bella Sky
Exolucere: Sky
Exolucere: Bjorn Borg says Ja! to Movember!
Exolucere: Kastellet entrance
Exolucere: Nyhavn Anchor
Exolucere: Lego Dinosaur
Exolucere: Lego mural
Exolucere: 200kr
Exolucere: Leaving Christiania
Exolucere: Epic Organ