exit78: Major William Schnackenburg
exit78: Ellsworth's Chicago Zouaves, 1861
exit78: The War Movement
exit78: The War Movement
exit78: Floating Battery Hospital
exit78: Floating Battery Construction
exit78: Floating Battery completed
exit78: Battle of Fort Sumter, Illustrated London News
exit78: Floating Battery mortor
exit78: Floating Battery photo
exit78: The New Batteries Erected on Morris Island for the Defense of Charleston Harbor and the Reduction of Fort Sumter
exit78: The Floating Battery at Charleston, S.C., Intended to Assist in the Capture of Fort Sumter, with Dr. de Vega's Hospital Attached.
exit78: The Dahlgren Boat Howitzer Gun
exit78: Capt John A. Dahlgren, Inventor of the Dahlgren Gun
exit78: Movement of Troops to the South
exit78: Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, From Fort Moultrie, 12th & 13th of April, 1861
exit78: The Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, the 12th and 13th of April, 1861
exit78: U.S. Gun Boat Monticello
exit78: Action between the U.S. vessels Pawnee and Freeborn and the rebel batteries at Acquia [sic] Creek
exit78: Capture of the Privateer Savannah by the USS Perry
exit78: Roach's Springs, Va. Encampment of the Connecticut Volunteers First Regiment
exit78: Big Bethel
exit78: The Naval Brigade Ferrying Troops
exit78: The Battle of Great Bethel
exit78: Camp, Las Moras C.S.A. -- near Fort Clark, Texas, March 1861
exit78: Camp, Las Moras C.S.A. -- near Fort Clark, Texas, March 1861
exit78: The Fight at Philippi, Va., June 3d, 1861—The United States Troops under Command of Colonel Dumont, Supported by Colonels Kelley and Lander, and the Confederates under Colonel Porterfield
exit78: The Sumter running the blockade of Pass à l'Outre, by the enemy's Ship Brooklyn, on the 30th June, 1861
exit78: Camp of the second Connecticut regiment at Washington
exit78: Jersey troops breaking the ground for a fort to defend Washington, on Virginia soil near the long bridge