The New Batteries Erected on Morris Island for the Defense of Charleston Harbor and the Reduction of Fort Sumter
The Floating Battery at Charleston, S.C., Intended to Assist in the Capture of Fort Sumter, with Dr. de Vega's Hospital Attached.
Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, From Fort Moultrie, 12th & 13th of April, 1861
Action between the U.S. vessels Pawnee and Freeborn and the rebel batteries at Acquia [sic] Creek
The Fight at Philippi, Va., June 3d, 1861—The United States Troops under Command of Colonel Dumont, Supported by Colonels Kelley and Lander, and the Confederates under Colonel Porterfield
The Sumter running the blockade of Pass à l'Outre, by the enemy's Ship Brooklyn, on the 30th June, 1861
Jersey troops breaking the ground for a fort to defend Washington, on Virginia soil near the long bridge