exit78: Climate Change - prediction not possible
exit78: Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin, September 20, 2012
exit78: never retired... pablo
exit78: Remember, You are not responsible for the online emotional reactivity of others
exit78: I don't know
exit78: pocket-watch-147107
exit78: bulb-2029707
exit78: sleet-thunderstorm-hail-ice-153216
exit78: 404
exit78: boredom-1977519
exit78: apathy (meh)
exit78: dog-1423765
exit78: dog-1423765 (meh)
exit78: angry-3126438
exit78: Clueless 2018/19 shutdown
exit78: skinny genes diet-3557513
exit78: Green New Deal place-name-sign-1647341
exit78: petroglyph figures 1
exit78: petroglyph figures 2